What our clients say about us.
““The In-Home Services are wonderful, can’t say anything negative. I am a quadriplegic and she does what I can’t do for myself.””
““What does Mid-Cumberland Public Transit Service mean to me? I am 91 years old and have no husband or children. It is my only means of visiting the doctor and grocery shopping. I am very grateful to Mid-Cumberland.””
“ “I am a quadriplegic resident of a nursing home. They kept skipping me for the evening meal because I would fall asleep before meals were served. When I would wake up and ask for food they would tell me the kitchen was closed now and I would have to wait until breakfast. This happened more than once. I asked my mom to call the Ombudsman and he came out to see me at the nursing home. He helped me see that my rights were being violated and that I had a right to food even if it was after meal time. He was able to work with the staff to have my tray left for me if I was asleep. Now, when I wake up and have missed supper, my tray is waiting for me. They heat it for me and a staff person feeds me since I cannot feed myself due to my paralysis. Because of this program I have not had to go hungry until breakfast a single time.””
““Thank You! Without you mom would have had to go to the nursing home. I couldn’t be there but we are all so glad you were.””
““I don’t have to cook because I’m not able to cook. The volunteers are wonderful!””
“ “I started coming to Community Corrections is September 2013. When I first started coming here I could not talk to my Case Officer without crying to her about what I had done to myself and to my family. I came here for a 12 week class with my Case Officer. She helped me to understand what I had done and what I needed to do to get my life straighten out…Since I have been coming to Community Corrections I have gotten a job …and definitely staying out of trouble so this system does work!” ”
““My Homemaker is like family. She takes care of me and doesn’t let anyone take advantage of me anymore. I don’t know what I would do without her.””
““Everyone I’ve had contact with at the Mid-Cumberland Public Transit has always gone beyond my expectations.””
““I love the girls that come to help me. They are always nice and do all the things I can’t do myself anymore.””
““I don’t know what I would do without the In-Home Services.””
““Since I was a child, I have battled with addiction in some form. I believe, for me, it stemmed from a troubled childhood as well as genetics…I have struggled with addiction and have felt, at many times, that I had overcame and beaten it. I obviously had no idea that addiction is ongoing battle that never ends…I spent 11 months in a county jail for a drug conviction. I was released in April of 2013 and in January was place on Community Corrections as part of a consecutive sentence I had received. Upon beginning Community Corrections, I was advised to attend Celebrate Recovery twice week as part of my recovery program. It changed my life! Celebrate Recovery and Community Corrections program have shown me that there is hope for addicts and people that have been convicted of felonies due to their additions.””
““Thanks for the Nutro® Dog food for my little dachshund, Sallie! And for the treats and toy, too. She loves the food! Many thanks.””
““When I first met my Homemaker I was all alone and never wanted to leave my house. Her visits have changed my life.””
““You could never know how much I have appreciated and enjoyed my ‘Meals-on-Wheels.’ It was such a blessing when I was so helpless. I looked forward to your helper coming every day, always smiling and wishing me a good day. My family was so glad to know that someone would be here and check on me since I’m all alone. May God bless each one of you!””
““We are most grateful for all the meals you have given us this year. The meals are always delicious. . . . thanks for all you have done.””
““Thank you for the cat food and dog food . . . I don’t know what I would do without your help.””
““[Meals-on-Wheels] is a God send and BLESSING!””
““Too much to put into words. Thank God for you people, it is so good what you are doing for me and other people.””
““My case manager is a godsend! I could never repay her for all she has done for me, my son, and my education! Thank you so very much!””
““The meals and visits are very helpful . . . Jamie and I appreciate them and the volunteers very much. Thank you so much.””
““[The] food is healthy. If it weren’t for Meals-on-Wheels, I would not eat as healthy, because I cannot get up to cook.””
““My probation officer cared enough to help enroll me into a drug treatment center and I became clean and sober for the first time in 10 years! She helped me to re-secure my job and a home and kept my focus positive so I could have the life I truly needed and be the mother my children deserved. It has been the best two years of my life drug-free and on track! I truly owe it all to my probation officer who cared enough when I didn’t care at all.””
““Just a note to say thanks again for the book scholarship that you have awarded me. Your kindness has been greatly appreciated and definitely put to good use.””