Mid-Cumberland Homemaker
Mid-Cumberland's Homemaker service provides essential services to some of the Mid-Cumberland region’s most vulnerable residents: its seniors, disabled, and individuals at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
The Homemaker service provides essential in-home services to elderly and disabled individuals enabling them to retain their independence; free of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Many elderly residents in the Mid-Cumberland region live alone and are in danger of being neglected, exploited, or abused. With the broad range of services offered we are able to address most of the services needed to allow the client to remain SAFELY independent in their own home. Homemakers perform the essential tasks which the client is no longer able to do for him or herself. Most commonly staff assist clients with budgeting, bill paying, access to medical care, community resources, legal assistance, general household tasks, and essential transportation as well as performing additional essential tasks which the client is no longer able to do for him or herself. Homemakers also assist in investigations and provide monitoring to ensure clients experience elimination of or reduction in abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The Homemaker is often the only advocate our vulnerable clients have. Without Homemaker services many residents would be forced into institutional care prematurely or worse; remain victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation by those that were supposed to protect them.
Why is the service needed?
If you think a senior or vulnerable adult is being abused, neglected, or exploited please contact the Adult Protective Service hotline at 1.888.277.8366.
We are proud to report we have been able to enable 93% of clients to remain SAFELY independent within their own home; free of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
The service’s success is demonstrated when clients attain significant life goals. These include helping individuals gain or maintain self-sufficiency and independence and preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation of both children and adults, especially those who are unable to protect their own interests. Homemaker services are successful when a client:
• Remains independent in their own homes with limited assistance
• Experiences a reduction or elimination of abuse, neglect, or exploitation
• Prevents a premature institutional placements
The service serves more than 600 clients in 13 counties in Middle Tennessee. However, there are still more than 200 seniors on the service’s waiting list.
Eligibility for services is based upon need and available funding in an area; however, priority is given to individuals identified as a victim of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. If you are interested in determining whether you or someone you know is eligible for services you may complete the In-Home Service referral on this page or call the Service at (615) 850.3909 (toll-free: 1.866.707.8791) for information.
*Due to funding restrictions we currently are only accepting referrals for Williamson County residents.
This project is funded (in part) under an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Human Services. Funding to support this program is also received through local United Way agencies, cities and counties, grants and private donations.
We have a 93% success rate in helping clients gain or maintain self-sufficiency and independence; preventing or remedying neglect, abuse, or exploitation. Won’t you help us continue this mission?
““When I first met my Homemaker I was all alone and never wanted to leave my house. Her visits have changed my life.” ”
““My Homemaker is like family. She takes care of me and doesn’t let anyone take advantage of me anymore. I don’t know what I would do without her.” ”